Parents struggle as schools reopen amid coronavirus surge
JEFF AMY and DENISE LAVOIE Associated Press Putting your child on the bus for the first day of sch
JEFF AMY and DENISE LAVOIE Associated Press Putting your child on the bus for the first day of sch
JOCELYN GECKER and KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press California Gov. Gavin Newsom laid out strict
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is likely to begin next school year with a distance-learning format, school officials announced ...
OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ and DAVID EGGERT Associated Press The U.S. Department of Education is attempting
The 2020-21 SMMUSD school year will start on August 20. Of that much, the district is certain. Howev
KATHLEEN RONAYNE and ADAM BEAM Associated Press California schoolchildren could return to their cl
By ADAM BEAM and DON THOMPSON Associated Press Gov. Gavin Newsom’s assessment that it’s likely
ADAM BEAM and DON THOMPSON Associated Press It's likely "few if any" California schools will reopen before summer break, Gov. ...
SMMUSD Superintendent Ben Drati sent an email to parents at about 8 p.m. on Thursday night detailing possible coronavirus exposure ...
Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has sought to celebrate the progress that schools have made in providing ...