SMMUSD budget up for public input
Now it's your turn to discuss the budget. The Santa Monica-Malibu school board has reviewed several editions of the district's ...
Now it's your turn to discuss the budget. The Santa Monica-Malibu school board has reviewed several editions of the district's ...
Summer is here, which for some means the beach, for others the pool and for yet others fun and games. ...
Santa Monica authors Marcy Winograd and Jackie Hirtz are back with a sequel to their tween novel "Lola Zola and ...
The Oaks Initiative, Santa Monica's anti-corruption law, is currently inoperative due to a lack of lawyers willing or able to ...
The legal battle over chemicals at Malibu public schools rages on. A federal judge last week gave life to a ...
If all members of City Council are present at Tuesday's meeting, perhaps we'll see the cogs turning on Santa Monica's ...
On June 12 at approximately 8 p.m., a Santa Monica policeofficer was onthe 1800 block of16th Street when she observed ...
Editor's note: This story is part of an ongoing series that tracks the city's expenditures appearing on upcoming Santa Monica ...
One day Siena Hayden Ly was a Franklin Elementary School student who loved arts and crafts and storytelling. The next ...
With City Council scheduled to consider a $1.1-billion two-year budget on Tuesday, the Recreation and Parks Commission sent its recommendations. ...