Lawsuit filed against pro-SMO petitioners, City Hall
SMO - Filers of a petition that attempts to put future Santa Monica Airport decisions to a public vote are ...
SMO - Filers of a petition that attempts to put future Santa Monica Airport decisions to a public vote are ...
CITY HALL — Pro-airport activists are backing a ballot initiative that would reduce City Council's ability to control the future ...
Editor: I hate to disagree with my friend "Bum Rap Bauer", but his twisted criticism of Democratic Congressional candidate, State ...
Current location of the Hines Bergamot Transit village project. (Daniel Archuleta CITY HALL — City Council will consider repealing ...
NEW DUDES: The Santa Monica Fire Department held a graduation ceremony on Saturday to welcome eight new firefighters. Several speakers, ...
CITYWIDE - Despite a slight decline in visitors in 2013, tourists stayed longer and spent more, according to the Santa ...
In his May 8th column "Magic of Flight for who?", Peter Donald concocts a fantasy of flight involving pilots, passengers ...
By Matthew Hall Editor in Chief As a newspaper editor, you meet a lot of people. As a new editor, ...
A man gathers signatures Wednesday at the Downtown Farmers' Market for a pro-Santa Monica Airport petition. (David Mark Simpson ...
One of the proposed designs for Bergamot Station BERGAMOT STATION - Residents got loud during a community meeting about the ...