Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus
A California farm expanded a recall of raw milk sold in stores and halted production after state health and agriculture ...
A California farm expanded a recall of raw milk sold in stores and halted production after state health and agriculture ...
Despite collecting over 39,000 signatures, an effort to recall CD-11 City Councilman Mike Bonin was
The county clerk reported no signatures were submitted by the deadline to appear on a 2022 special e
MICHAEL R. BLOOD AP Political Writer California Republicans are eager to move on from their failed
With early polls showing a nail biting or Republican-led race, local Democratic leaders breathed a c
DON THOMPSON and KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press Hours after California Gov. Gavin Newsom beat b
ELLIOT SPAGAT Associated Press Kevin Faulconer said his failed campaign to replace California Gov.
KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press The only time Californians voted to recall a governor, they repl
MATTHEW HALL & todd James, SMDP Staff California’s recall election for Governor Gavin Newsom is u
Both of Santa Monica’s state legislators, Senator Ben Allen and Assemblymember Richard Bloom, who each reside in Santa Monica themselves, ...