Letter to the editor
I would like to remind everyone that leaf blowers are illegal in Santa Monica, and have been since the ban ...
I would like to remind everyone that leaf blowers are illegal in Santa Monica, and have been since the ban ...
Santa Monica’s failure to curb children’s lead poisoning by toxic avgas emissions deeply troubles me. The 2021 Santa Clara Leaded ...
The fundamental Buddhist concept of dependent origination teaches that, at the most profound level, all life is interconnected, that nothing ...
Both my grandfathers fought in World War l. Both of my children’s grandfathers fought in World War ll. I fought ...
What’s the point in having a law if it is not enforced. Take something as simple as requiring a license ...
As the LA City Council – representing the most unaffordable city in America – prepares its ordinance to adopt SB-9 ...
As soon as the pandemic hit, environmental and sustainable practices went out the window. In early 2020, with the spread ...
We miss you. We need you. The second oldest branch of the Santa Monica Library, you have consistently welcomed the ...
We live in a desert that was turned into a green space, but the desert is fighting back. The drought
Spending the day on the Santa Monica Pier brings together friends and families in our community, across Southern California, the ...