Street vendor bill needs some adjustments
Tourism is slowly returning to pre-pandemic levels at popular tourist destinations such as Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, the Santa ...
Tourism is slowly returning to pre-pandemic levels at popular tourist destinations such as Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, the Santa ...
This time last year I wrote a column suggesting that the city of Santa Monica needed a diversity commission and ...
During the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, California became the nation’s leader in protecting vulnerable workers by adopting emergency ...
I was born and raised in Santa Monica, California. From the beach to the promenade, this city has been an ...
Recently, there has been increased public dialogue around the topic of crime and public safety presence in downtown, the parks, ...
Homelessness, Gov. Gavin Newsom has said, “f it’s not the first, second and third issue in the state, it’s No. ...
The end of another legislative session in Sacramento is an opportunity to reflect on questions many are asking these days: ...
Many Californians today experience the pain of skyrocketing drug prices while drug companies post record profits, and patients struggle to ...
Dear Editor, As reported in this newspaper, it is outrageous that the Mayor is accusing the city council’s proposed transfer ...
A woman under the auspices of Meetup created a group called Being Elder. Bree, living alone and with her two ...