No on GS
Editor: Santa Monica ballot measure GS is expected to crush funding for Santa Monica schools and police. GS has a ...
Editor: Santa Monica ballot measure GS is expected to crush funding for Santa Monica schools and police. GS has a ...
A lot has happened in the world since the year 1922. As a country, we’ve participated in two World Wars, ...
In October 2021, the Orange County coastline suffered a catastrophic oil spill, damaging the coast and its wildlife and prompting ...
By Michael Feinstein. Inside/Outside. Monday, September 19, 2022 Many of us were raised with the idea that the United States ...
To the Editor: The city council is wise to move their needle exchange programs out of city parks and into ...
The tragic deaths of a trainee pilot and an instructor at Santa Monica Airport on September 8th are a salutary ...
Editor: The Sept. 15 SMDP chronicles the story of a search warrant served by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs’ department ...
Editor: If Supervisor Kuehl’s home is fair game for a visit from Sheriff Villanueva, then the LA County Jail should ...
Dear Editor: What a waste of taxpayer dollars. Alex Villanueva has helicopters and dozens of deputies serve a search warrant ...
I’m writing in response to Kat Blandino’s September 6th opinion piece “Where is the Action Plan to Address Learning Loss?” ...