The Pico Library reopens its doors to the community
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer The pandemic gutted the Santa Monica library’s budget, but in an ex
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer The pandemic gutted the Santa Monica library’s budget, but in an ex
Santa Monica Public Library presents storytimes in November for kids ages 2 and up and their families. On Tuesday, Nov. ...
After a long hiatus due to the Covid pandemic, the Friends of the Santa Monica Public Library will be holding ...
Santa Monica Public Library is excited to present an in-person pirate-themed story time for kids ages 2 and up and ...
Interim City Manager John Jalili has selected Erica Cuyugan as Interim City Librarian beginning September 5, 2021 when Patty Wong ...
After successfully steering the City’s public libraries through a year and a half of extreme finan
Citywide New Self-Service Hours at Ocean Park Branch Library Community members can now sign up for S
On Wednesday August 18, at 7 p.m., the Santa Monica Public Library welcomes Sarah Schulman, discussing her new book Let ...
Editor: The Fairview library branch needs to open up even on a part time basis. The city seems to n
It’s been fifteen months since Santa Monica’s five library branches were open, but thanks to the