2 California ballot measures would expand voting rights
Early voting in California began Monday and a pair of propositi
Early voting in California began Monday and a pair of propositi
MICHAEL R. BLOOD AP Political Writer Republican candidates eager for a turnaround in heavily Democ
Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights recently endorsed three candidates for the four full-term City
The City of Santa Monica has won its appeal in the voting rights case that could have upended local
A court of appeals has issued a tentative ruling overturning the trial court’s order that would force Santa Monica to ...
MICHAEL R. BLOOD Associated Press Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday to require county offic
Editor: As a lifelong Liberal and huge supporter of Unions, I will probably shock my friends by sayi
MICHAEL R. BLOOD AP Political Writer Four years after a bitter loss in California’s presidential
For March only, CRJ meeting will take place in the Teen Center which is located at the south west corner ...
By STEFANIE DAZIO Associated Press President Donald Trump began a California visit on Tuesday, saying he will do “something” about ...