Five Comics That Need to Be TV Shows
Turn on your television and you'll see plenty of shows based on or inspired by comic books. But what you ...
Turn on your television and you'll see plenty of shows based on or inspired by comic books. But what you ...
At least once a month, a new or potential comic book fan will walk through the doors of my shop ...
As the presidential debates get under way and the American people's thoughts veer toward who will be our next commander ...
Very few comic book artists live a life as adventurous as the ones led by the superhero characters they ...
In a recent news story, a California college student protested the inclusion of several books that were part of her ...
I recently spoke with someone who told me they don't read comic books because they're not into superheroes. Their perception ...
This week marks the birthday of Herb Trimpe, a veteran comic book artist whose published work spans over four decades. ...
Christmas came early this year as we raced to our local movie theater to watch "Avengers: Age of Ultron." While ...
This past weekend, comic book enthusiasts barricaded themselves inside their homes to binge on the new Netflix show "Daredevil." I ...
Recent political events in Indiana have showcased the dangerous idea that there are evil minority groups who want to take ...