When the NCAA Tournament brings March sadness
The first two days have concluded in the NCAA men's basketball tournament, otherwise known as March Madness, the Big Dance ...
The first two days have concluded in the NCAA men's basketball tournament, otherwise known as March Madness, the Big Dance ...
Last Friday night, I was busily channel surfing trying to avoid Donald Trump bloviating. One moment he advocates war crimes, ...
Three days ago was Super Tuesday, which was super for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, each of whom won primaries ...
Even though the Iowa caucus is only 72 hours away, I'm still reeling from last week. I'm referring to Sarah ...
New Year's already? It seems like it was just Memorial Day, then Thanksgiving and bingo now it's New Year's. Hardly ...
When I began writing these columns in 2006, "Laughing Matters" seemed an appropriate banner. With what's occurring in the world ...
Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can please some of the people, some of the time and all the people some ...
By the time you read this, the LA Dodgers, with their $300 million payroll, will either be in the League ...
Hello again, Santa Monica, this is Bob Haddad, a proud registered Republican SantaMonica voter commentating on the Republican presidential ...
With Donald Trump's impressive poll numbers, political pundits repeatedly echo that he's "Connecting with a large segment of the population." ...