Hospital ship to ease burden as California virus cases jump
A military hospital ship that arrived in Los Angeles on Friday will provide 1,000 beds for non-coron
A military hospital ship that arrived in Los Angeles on Friday will provide 1,000 beds for non-coron
Nurses at Santa Monica hospitals say they are being asked to reuse protective masks as they treat a swell of ...
Seven new cases of coronavirus were reported in Santa Monica Friday, bringing the city’s total number of confirmed cases to ...
With state orders to close nonessential businesses and lack of consumer demand, eleven Santa Monica have closed and restaurants are ...
By Gary Rhoades On St. Patrick’s Day last week, the City Attorney’s Public Rights Division rece
Three news cases of coronavirus were reported in Santa Monica Thursday, bringing the city's total number of confirmed cases to ...
Public health officials said Wednesday that 18 Santa Monica residents have tested positive for coronavirus, out of 799 confirmed cases ...
On a typical day, hundreds of Santa Monica College students will go hungry for reasons as simple as
The Santa Monica Animal Shelter remains open and the animals are being well cared for despite the on
IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES -- “It was the best of times. “It was the age of wisdom, it ...