San Francisco, LA prioritize 2nd shots, close some sites
San Francisco is the latest California city to temporarily shutter a mass vaccination site due to la
San Francisco is the latest California city to temporarily shutter a mass vaccination site due to la
Many Santa Monica renters have lost jobs or income during the pandemic, and worry about eviction. Th
COLLIN BINKLEY and MIKE STOBBE, Associated Press The nation's top public health agency said Friday that in-person schooling can resume ...
Citywide Most Loved Voting begins The Eighth Annual Most Loved Contest is underway in Santa Monica w
Corie Mattie, a mighty muralist measuring just five feet tall, single handedly created a 100 ft wide
With a greater percentage of the general public set to receive COVID-19 vaccinations in the coming w
Citywide Public Health Officials Advise Against Holiday Travel to Prevent Another Surge as Additiona
As Covid-19 cases continue to trend downwards and vaccination rates upwards, the Department of Publi
Evidence is mounting that having COVID-19 may not protect against getting infected again with some o
As L.A. County approaches the new case count threshold for elementary school reopening, SMMUSD is wo