Contributions to Santa Monica’s Black Agenda Now Accepted Through We Are Santa Monica Fund
The City’s We Are Santa Monica Fund, originally limited to COVID-19 community relief, expands today to permit donors to earmark ...
The City’s We Are Santa Monica Fund, originally limited to COVID-19 community relief, expands today to permit donors to earmark ...
Santa Monica firefighters will have a new, seismically safe, home this week. The newly constructed
Interim City Manager Lane Dilg has announced the selection of 15 members of Santa Monica’s Public Safety Reform Advisory Committee. ...
It’s been about a week since Santa Monica residents gathered to speak against injustices in the co
Sophie and Eliana Salem, ages 16 and 12 created a chalk mural last week to support racial equity eff
Residents tend to be well attuned to our community vibe. We see and hear things, we intuitively kno
Editor: Every community is facing budget cuts, and citizens are defending their favorite programs. This letter is no exception. I ...
Thanks to a number of new initiatives and meal programs popping up throughout the Westside in recent
While many families struggle with the consequences of Covid-19 and California’s safer-at-home orde
Montalvo on Montana has been sizing residents with custom-made shirts and suits since 1988, but the