California storm winds down after deluge of rain and snow
A drenching storm that brought California much-needed rain in what had been a dry winter wound down
A drenching storm that brought California much-needed rain in what had been a dry winter wound down
California lawmakers on Thursday agreed to use $2.6 billion in federal stimulus money to pay off up
A potent atmospheric river barreled toward California on Tuesday, bringing the threat of downpours t
Facing widespread criticism for its slow vaccine rollout, California is revamping its delivery syste
KATHLEEN RONAYNE and JOHN ANTCZAK Associated Press California lifted regional stay-at-home orders across the state Monday in response to improving ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday mobilized 1,000 members of the National Guard amid other se
Californians are being warned it is too risky to celebrate the winter holidays normally and if they
ALANNA DURKIN RICHER and JOHN ANTCZAK, Associated Press Hospitals across California have all but run out of intensive care beds ...
The first COVID-19 vaccinations are underway at U.S. nursing homes, where the virus has killed more
More people are leaving California than moving here, continuing a trend that coupled with fewer birt