Seniors in low-income Boardwalk housing seek help to address encampments
For low-income seniors, the opportunity to have subsidized supportive housing right on Ocean Front Walk seemed like a dream come ...
For low-income seniors, the opportunity to have subsidized supportive housing right on Ocean Front Walk seemed like a dream come ...
More than $3 million has been set aside for code enforcement, policing and other oversight to combat
Jamie Paige Special to the Daily Press The Venice civil rights attorney, who disappeared from the pu
In June and July, it felt like the world’s eyes were trained on the Venice Boardwalk as the Sherif
While the media firestorm around the Boardwalk’s homeless crisis raged loudly for months, a much q
Jaime Paige SMDP / Venice Current Staff Writer The Los Angeles Police Department say a suspect in Friday's Boardwalk murder ...
With over 200 tents lining the Boardwalk and crime rates spiking, local businesses are severely hand