Santa Monica Pier leadership has tried to create new, innovative programming on the historic structure this year with mixed results. The Twilight Concert Series continues to be a major draw, while a comedy showcase bombed.

So, this week's Q-Line question asks:
What kind of events would you like to see the pier host in the future and why?
Here are your responses:
"I think that the pier maybe should sponsor numerous free fishing lessons, also how to catch crab in the crab nets. It should be daily in fact, maybe two or three classes a day for the public to learn the details of fishing off the pier, safety rules to obey and how to clean and cook the fish properly … and how to mingle it with other foods."
"In this economic climate today, it's not feasible to go to the pier for the average person or young couple. The cost of any entertainment, i.e. event, such as the Ferris wheel ride and dinner, is not exactly an incentive to spend your hard-earned money. Perhaps if they lowered the cost of some food and entertainment, more people would come and enjoy and, in doing so, would bring more money to the city."
"The greatest draw for an event on the pier would be to take our pro-development city officials to the end of the pier, place them on a boat and send them out to sea and give them the misguided compass they've been running the city with."
"I think it's just great to have all kinds of wonderful things on the Santa Monica Pier. I just saw the picture of an exercise class. It's beautiful down there. Let's have all kinds of different things like dance classes, films, concerts and such. That will keep the pier in the world renowned."
"They should have a 10K run. The pier isn't that long, but so what."
"The pier needs better restaurants, a nightclub and more performers/artists to keep it entertaining. I do love walking down there for sunsets. It's free to visit, but during winter months we need to keep people engaged. I think the new pier leadership is doing a great job of introducing new events, like the comedy show and the pier play. Keep it up. But remember, you have to make sure that all segments of the community are represented, not just the young hipsters."
"Perhaps free-form or standard dances could be held in the daytime hours in celebration … ."
"I would like to see a bigger Ferris wheel and more frightening roller coaster ride. Also, maybe bring back some more live entertainment or music like they used to do. Create a grand ballroom and have live big bands play. That would be a riot."
"I like the fitness classes they have there and the games at Pacific Park. The carousel is always classic and the new seafood place is nice. I would like to maybe see more higher-end restaurants to go with the burger joint and Mexican food place. I think you need more variety when it comes to food so you attract a more diverse crowd of people. The main thing is to make sure the pier is clean and safe. No one will go there if they feel they will get robbed or have to deal with gang bangers. Remember the ‘80s?"