A recent Daily Press article discovered that property values are on the rise in Santa Monica.
So, this week's Q-Line question asked:
Does the news of increasing values give you confidence in the real estate market?
Here are your responses:
"For the past number of years, the real estate business has been in a state of chaos. Why have so many successful real estate people of my acquaintance gotten out of this business before losing their minds, or their decent income of years ago? Also, property values on the rise in Santa Monica — question, question. I'm astonished at that one. Who in God's name would really elect to live here on purpose? I count the days until I can get out of here. And how many other people have I known and seen leaving this city. Moving van after moving van, day after day, year after last few years. So what do they think is holding them here? What attraction? The prospective buyers, if there really are any, must be foreigners, which a lot are, or easily duped into believing the lying hype they hear from this city's administration."
"As a longtime property owner in Santa Monica and an ex-landlord, I very much believe that the property values are on the rise, so yes, I think it's great. When I meet people I tell them to buy some apartment units."
"Santa Monica real estate has, for the most part, always out-performed other areas because of our location and the quality of our public schools, so I am not surprised that land values are on the rise. That said, it makes it very difficult for working-class families to move in. Instead of affordable two- or three-bedroom homes, we have low-income housing for renters only or multi-million dollar homes, creating a serious void. I'm worried about what the future will bring if we continue to price-out middle-income families."
Editor's note: It looks like this week's Q-Line question was a dud. We'll try harder to get your attention. In the meantime, please feel free to submit your ideas for future Q-Line questions. Send them to editor@www.smdp.com.