The recent story about the proposed development at 700 Santa Monica Blvd shows how much the city is out-of-control.
No parking for cars, yet 146 bicycle parking spots? Who’s going to ride their bike in the rain to get to work soaked? Affordable housing? How much does “affordable” constitute for someone who works in fast food establishments, a hotel or Starbucks?
If they own cars they can park in a nearby public parking lot. Really? Like the one behind the CVS on Lincoln Boulevard where all the alcoholic and drug addicted vagrants congregate? The members of the planning commission and city council should park their cars there. Practice what you preach.
Then there’s the two other developments on Lincoln Boulevard to worry about. I’m sure they’ll have bicycle parking only and no room for cars. Maybe in another dimension.
It’s a bad idea all around and it’s just asking for trouble.
Whitney Scott Bain, Santa Monica resident