I was saddened to see the article today about the necessity of replacing the ambassador program with security guards. No question, it’s necessary.
My husband, Dwight Flowers, was one of the original ambassadors back in (I think) 2009. It was a wonderful post retirement job for him. He loved everything about it. He used to come home excited to show me the list he kept of the places - all over the world - from which his "customers" were visiting.
To me, sadly, this says everything about what has happened to our town. Someone like Dwight could never work on the Promenade now.
I admit that it is hard to stay hopeful about the future of Santa Monica. There appears to be no real will, or way, to prevent the epidemic of homelessness, criminality, and addiction that has so dramatically changed our town. Dwight still goes to the promenade once in a very long while, but for me it feels too unsafe. I haven’t been there in years.
Laurie Brenner, Santa Monica
After reading you story on wild & farmed Salmon I feel it was very one sided to only eat wild salmon. I follow the Seafood Watch at the Monterey Aquarium and there are several farmed Salmon that are very acceptable to eat. Actually I prefer the farmed salmon over the texture of the wild. I will only serve fish that is approved by the Monterey Aquarium seafood watch. Maybe check out the seafood watch recommendations it really is interesting what is on the good and bad lists, maybe a follow up?
Fred Deni, Back on the Beach