Measure D misrepresentation
My name is Sarah Braff and I am President of the Santa Monica/Malibu Classroom Teachers Association. It has come to my attention that the Yes on D campaign is using my name on their mailers in support of measure D.
I support a no vote on D and a yes vote on LC.
When someone came to my door eight months ago and asked me to sign a petition and represented it as one supporting the closing of the airport, I did, as I'm sure many other residents did (under false pretenses) as well. Now they're using my name without permission and I would like it to stop immediately!
Their campaign is full of falsehoods and misrepresentations set up to confuse voters. Santa Monica Residents deserve better. Don't be fooled, vote No on D and Yes on LC and really let the voters decide on how our land should be used.
Sarah Braff
President SMMCTA
No on D
I am the chair of the school site council at Will Rogers Learning Community. It has come to my attention that the Yes on D campaign is using my name on their mailers in support of measure D. I have not had any contact with this organization. It is deeply disturbing that this organization would use my name without permission in support of their efforts.
Susan Gates
Santa Monica
Santa Monicans could finance both plaintiffs and defendants in airport fight.
Santa Monica voters may want to think carefully on competing airport ballot measures. They could end up financing both sides of an expensive court fight with the Federal government that could last decades, costing tens of millions of city taxpayer's money.
Measure D, puts the future of Santa Monica airport firmly in the hands of voters to decide the future of the airport, either to keep open as an airport or to close. Measure LC backers seek the close the airport, by-passing voters and allowing seven city council members only to set up a court battle with the Federal government over the airport, all financed by city taxpayers.
If Measure LC wins at the ballot box, city voters will end up footing the bill for a decades long battle with the Federal Government, according to the City attorney. Paradoxically, with Measure LC, Santa Monica voters will end up financing both legal teams. The plaintiffs in City Hall and their outside legal counsel via local taxes and fees and via Federal taxes to defendants FAA and the Federal Government. City estimates of City costs to date in legal fees have been at least $5m in three recent failed lawsuits with the FAA and Federal government.
Measure D, on the other hand would bring some peace the airport debate, putting the airports fate firmly in the hands of Santa Monica voters and immediately ending years of failed City Council lawsuits against the Federal government and the millions of dollars of wasted City expenditures, all financed by Santa Monica City tax payers.
Dave Hopkins
Santa Monica