Airport arguments
Let me see if I understand the arguments for closing the airport
1) I bought property near the airport and will get a huge increase in my property value if the airport is closed.
2) I bought property in line with the flight paths to the airport and will get a huge increase in my property value if the airport is closed.
3) I want to be rewarded because I made a bad decision years ago and can now see that I might greatly benefit from it if the airport closes.
4) I don't care if the loss of tax revenues from closing the airport will reduce services. Generally the services reduced are to the less fortunate among us so why should I care?
5) I don't know anyone who might loose their jobs if the airport closes and even if I did, so what, their tough luck for being so stupid as to work at an airport so close to a city.
6) I recognize that I might have to donate money to fight against any development on the airport grounds, but that is a very small price to pay for the huge increase in my property values without the airport.
7) I also recognize that I may have to fight some battles over noise and parking should the airport property be made into parkland, but again, that is a small price to pay for the huge increase in my property values without the airport.
8) I also recognize that I may have to fight some battles and donate some money to fight those who live near freeways and object to all that noise and pollution. They may want to use what we did here with the airport to make their case for closing those freeways.
Some background on me:
I worked at Douglas Aircraft that is where the airport is now located, building large planes which flew out of that airport. So that airport noise has always been part of what has been there, no surprise.
Jerry Schneir
Santa Monica
Our airport?
Congratulations to Walt Nickelson - "News Flash," - the most erudite and sensible piece I've read about the Airport issue so far, unlike a correspondent at the start of the week, who displayed the sort of blinkered arrogance held by many Santa Monican residents, i.e it is our airport - Let Them Eat Cake!
Well done Walt.
Murray Gallant
Santa Monica