When you first ran an article about the possible closing [of the Fifth Street post office], I immediately sent you a letter to the editor of my outrage and the no response from the city and residents ("Downtown post office to close," Aug. 17).
At the community meeting on July 19, the shame stretched even further. Not one of the gutless City Council members attended to hear the voices of the residents. With so many seniors in this city who will be affected by such a move and the precarious and dangerous area that that they would have to travel to is a disgrace and shame on the politicos who kept their mouths shut and their pockets open. Would they want their parents to go to Seventh Street without transportation in the darkness and have to cross the light rail construction? They look for your votes, while courting developers and put us all at risk.
They will now appeal a done deal and prove that it's not the residents they are caring for, but their own selfish desires that matter most. Get rid of them in November!
Herb Silverstein
Santa Monica