Land Opportunity Voter Empowerment… Yes! Land Use Voter Empowerment… No!
I love Santa Monica! It's a great city.
I'm certain most residents and visitors feel the same way.
I believe we should all be working together in a civil manner re: our City's future.
I believe we should all be seeking common ground re: future planned development.
I believe our diverse and multi-opinionated community can find positive and fair solutions.
I believe our great City's residents, City Council members, City Manager, City Staff, City Commission and Board members, neighborhood organizations, community groups and community leaders can continue actively participating in Santa Monica's very positive and open public process.
I believe this is our very best hope to find both short and long term workable solutions.
I do not believe the proposed LUVE ballot initiative (Land Use Voter Empowerment) or even the threat of a ballot initiative will be helpful to our City's future. It will divide rather than unite.
It will enhance polarized community conflict rather than mutual community cooperation.
This is an election year. Santa Monica elects new or re-elects incumbent City Council member representatives every two years.
We should not be legislating, via a polarizing “lose-lose” ballot initiative such as LUVE, our important future Santa Monica development decisions.
Jerry Rubin
Santa Monica