I was disappointed that your story described the Ed Foundation's fundraising as a failure. In my view, nothing could be further from the truth ("Ed Foundation falls short of fundraising goal," Feb. 3).
When the Board of Education set a goal of $4 million to be raised by Jan. 31, I thought the foundation wouldn't get close to that level. They needed to create a new infrastructure, reach out to both previous contributors to increase their donations and to new sources of contributions, and develop and explain the Vision for Student Success concept. All of this takes time to build.
I think Linda Gross, her staff and the foundation's board, working with Superintendent [Sandra] Lyon and the Board of Education, did an outstanding job to reach $3.2 million and they should be commended. It's up to all of us — parents, grandparents, other residents and local businesses — to assist them in reaching new levels. We all know that education is one of our wisest investments and I'm proud that we have a district that can produce a program like Vision for Student Success. It will provide funding for programs to all students previously available only in more affluent schools and will enhance the level of programs in all schools. I think the foundation deserves cheers.
Tom Larmore
Santa Monica