To the editors:
Wednesday evening, March 15, my wife and I were taking our daily constitutional through the byways of our lovely city when we witnessed a small bird of prey make an unsuccessful attempt at acquiring a pigeon dinner. There was quite a ruckus overhead and I immediately grabbed for my phone, went to my Merlin app and attempted to ID the rascal. In the process, apparently, my drivers license and debit card flew, not unlike those lucky pigeons, out of my fanny pack and onto the ground, or somewhere. Of course, we were unaware at the time and only discovered the items were missing when we got home. A 45 minute retracing of our steps was unsuccessful. The bank was called, the debit card cancelled and a new one ordered. A royal pain, to be sure, but no real damage done. My wife thought perhaps since I was "smart" enough to lose both my bank card and my drivers license together whoever found them might check the address and be so kind as to mail them back. I said, yeah sure, honey but I was thinking dream on!
This morning, on a whim, I went out to the mail box just to look. There, in the magazine slot were both items. Since no note was included (I would have thought something along the lines of, "Here’s your stuff, Einstein!") I would like to take this opportunity to thank the anonymous Angel who took the time and trouble to walk them over to our apartment. A small thing, in the bigger scheme of things, but oh what great things they can be. Faith in humanity restored? Maybe not restored but certainly shored up. And I’m left waiting for a chance to pay this kindness forward. I hope it happens today!
Thank you,
Stephen Bradford
Santa Monica