Dear Editor,
I am writing to bring light to the maltreatment of the three lovely hens currently surviving in a small cage of dirt and filth on Yale Street in Santa Monica, as a part of the Upward Bound House urban farm, sponsored by Roque & Mark.
These sentient beings should be free to roam on the grass in the sunlight in an animal sanctuary rather than being confined in rusty metal for the benefit of a few people who want their eggs.
Looking at these beings in the midst of a supposedly ‘progressive’ city only evokes disgust, sadness, and incredulity. I encourage anyone who is reading this newspaper to go take a look at these poor creatures, now languishing at 1417 Yale Street and to write to our city council members, demanding a change to the municipal code.
Surely these hens were not born for this — surely they were not ‘made’ for this.
How about if we work toward helping these hens get the home they deserve — free of the bars, the filth, and the exploitation?
We are better than this and we know better than this. We have to ask ourselves, would we want to live in this kind of prison? Would we want to be exploited the way these hens are being exploited? I think that we all know the answer to this question.
Rizwati Freeman, Santa Monica resident