I feel I am living in some parallel universe when I read about all of the development planned to take place along the Pico corridor in the near future ("How close is too close?" Nov. 29).
Already the monstrosity at 28th Street and Pico Boulevard far outscales the neighborhood size and creates a look far from the Santa Monica we know and love. But as if that wasn't enough, we are looking at at least three more overscaled developments within blocks of each other (34th Street and Pico, Centinela Boulevard and Pico, Cloverfield Boulevard and Pico) that will continue this march to overdevelopment and gridlock.
I live at 29th Street and Pico and feel enough is enough. Where are we all supposed to go? I envision a morning when we wake up and realize we have become trapped inside our homes since we cannot move throughout our city, like some bad sci-fi story where cars overtake humans. Already my life is constrained by the traffic problems here since moving east after 4:30 p.m. is practically impossible and only for the hardy. Please, please, City Council, listen to the voices of your residents. Enough is enough. The only useful community benefit would be to stop these development agreements that only put money into the hands of the greedy and power-hungry.
Gail Myers
Santa Monica