Your recent article on permitting recreational cannabis sales mentions that a second pot store will be allowed to open a block from Lincoln Middle School.
There is an epidemic of cannabis abuse by children, 44% of 12 graders have tried marijuana, 22.5% used it in the past month and 6% use it daily (Univ. Of Michigan) lowering kids’ academic and life achievements, and increasing levels of mental illness and unhappiness. (CDC, NIH, Columbia Univ., etc.)
City staff seem to have made little mention of the health risks, and seem to have made little outreach to concerned parents. However staff might have had many interactions with the pot industry — which parents deserve to know about.
The California House and Senate both recently passed AB1207 "The Children’s Bill" to ban candy-style pot edibles, and the Senate passed SB1097, "The Warning Label Bill", to impose strong, science-proven, health warnings for pot. They came very close, but furious pot-industry lobbying stopped them becoming law. However, it shows serious, state-level concerns.
Many consumers of candy-style cannabis edibles may be under 21, i.e. not of legal age. Such products, which may have widespread illegal use, should be banned.
The battle against tobacco was fought using warning labels and education. Without health warnings we would still be in the 1950’s, when cigarettes were macho and harmless. To avoid liability for harms, the tobacco industry accepted warning labels. Regarding cannabis we are stuck in the 1960s when pot was harmless and cool. But it never was harmless. And today’s cannabis can be an order of magnitude stronger and an order of magnitude more harmful. And it’s everywhere. To avoid city liability there must be clear health warnings at point of sale.
Santa Monica city council largely avoided discussing the health harms of cannabis before allowing recreational sales — why?
Some might say that pot is harmless. But science proves that heavy use increases the risk of schizophrenia more than 4 times ( (schizophrenia greatly increases the risk of homelessness and suicide), permanently lowers I.Q. (NIH), that many find it difficult to stop using it, and many other harms (CDC, New York Times, LA Times, etc.).
Council members might have been lobbied by pot or related industries. And now a recreational pot store (no prescription needed) will be allowed to open a block from Lincoln Middle School, against vocal parental opposition. This is absolutely shameful. (A study proved that stores within 1 mile of schools increases underage use by 11th graders, NIH.)
It may be argued that since Ralphs sells liquor a block from Lincoln middle school, then it is okay to sell pot close by as well. However, teen cannabis abuse has increased by 245% since 2000, as alcohol abuse has steadily declined. (OHSU). Allowing a city-approved pot store one block from school, perhaps dressed up to entice, and with no prominent health warnings, sends the absolute worst message — that pot is harmless fun, when it is anything but. Our city is not playing with parking meters here, but with children’s minds.
Some may claim that Santa Monica needs cannabis (and its pitiful 3% tax) to compete with more exciting cities nearby. If so, then would they also like strip clubs on Third Street? Cannabis is a federally illegal, historically cash-based industry, where "corruption is widespread" (LA Times). Is our council inciting residents to violate federal law? There must be clear warnings at point of sale that buying or using pot is a federal crime with potentially serious penalties.
Some might suppose that by passing the pot-tax ballot residents want large scale pot retailing, irrespective of health concerns. But the ballot did not say a recreational pot store would open a block from Lincoln Middle school. If it had, it might well have failed.
And finally, some council members may be going along out of loyalty with their fellow council members. I say to them — leave a legacy to be proud of, and kick start a movement that will slow the tide of mental illness that appears to be washing over our state.
These are not fringe concerns. The near enactment of AB1207 (to ban candy-style edibles) and SB1097 (for strong warning labels) shows that at the highest levels of our state there is serious alarm about what the pot industry might be doing to our families.
Even if the council does not explicitly ask staff to consider locally enforcing AB1207 and SB1097, there is a clear moral imperative upon staff that they should. This letter has barely touched on the numerous, alarming science studies.
The council and staff must prioritize children’s health, above deep-pocketed outside special interests.
Peter Borresen, Santa Monica resident