As the November 6 elections approach, The Committee for Racial Justice (CRJ) and The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica Education Fund will collaborate to present the second of two community forums for candidates running for office in Santa Monica. To the second forum, all candidates for the Santa Monica College Board of Trustees and those running to be on the board of the Santa Monica/Malibu United School District have been invited. All but one have confirmed attendance.
The SMC Trustee candidates will go first, and, after making opening statements, they will each respond to questions posed by CRJ, The League of Women Voters, and members of the audience. Then, the SMMUSD candidates will follow the same format. This is a great chance to hear these candidates respond to social justice questions that they probably will not be asked at other forums. This forum will be moderated by Dr. Karen Gunn, Psychologist – Educator, Organizational and Management Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator, Leadership and Life Coach. Dr. Gunn also chairs the Santa Monica Human Relations Council.
As usual, we will be meeting in the Thelma Terry Bldg. at Virginia Avenue Park in Santa Monica. But the time changes to 5:30pm for potluck supper and the program starts at 6 p.m.
This is part of an ongoing monthly workshop series sponsored by the Committee For Racial Justice and co-sponsored by the African American Parent, Staff, Student Support Group and the Church in Ocean Park.
For more information, call Joanne at (310) 422-5431.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Free Workshop. Potluck supper at 5:30 p.m. and program starts at 6 p.m.
Virginia Avenue Park, Thelma Terry Bldg. 2200 Virginia Ave. Child care provided
Submitted by Joann Berlin