The Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District school board meeting is back tonight with an agenda touching on a broad range of topics.
SMMUSD’s Thursday, May 2 board meeting will cover items ranging from environmental monitoring to adjusting the district’s history and social sciences curriculum.
History and Social Sciences Framework
For grades 6-12, staff will recommend educational materials from publishers TCI and Pearson’s that reflect the inclusionary objectives of the State Board of Education and the California Department of Education FAIR (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education) Act for The History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools.
The State Board of Education adopted the History-Social Science Framework on July 14, 2016.The California Department of Education released a list of approved materials for this framework in late 2017.
Since then, teachers from across SMMUSDs high schools and middle schools vetted said materials and also participated in a pilot phase including the most promising of the materials.
Themes of the framework include literacy and citizenship. Material content will include Project Based and Inquiry Learning quests, infographics, visuals and videos. An example of subject matter previewed includes the experiences of women during the Civil War and presenting stories of prominent people in history with disabilities.
Board member compensation
Staff will recommend increasing board member compensation for 2019-2020. As it stands, board members are compensated $420 per month. The proposed increase would raise compensation by 5% to $441.
In September 2018, the board adopted a resolution to raise board member compensation from $400 to $420. Before that, board member compensation had not been increased for 23 years.
Compensation for board members is based on a number of factors, such as average daily attendance at schools.
The recommended increase in compensation would take effect on July 1, 2019.
New Samohi track
Staff will recommend that the board approve a contract award to fix Samohi’s track.
Staff determined Samohi’s running track needs replacement due to being severely worn.
Fixing the track will consist of removing old track material and installing a new surface with lane lines and track markers.
The school’s lettering of “SAMOHI VIKINGS” will be repainted as well, with the track getting painted with the school’s blue and gold colors.
The repairs are budgeted at $345,335.
Environmental adoptions
As John Adams Middle School undergoes construction for it’s revamped performing arts center, safety is of top priority.
Staff will recommend that the board approve a contract amendment with Alta Environmental that would provide the school site with abatement monitoring. Alta will assign Cal-OSHA and California Department of Public Health personnel to provide monitoring of asbestos and lead abatement.
Staff will also recommend an environmental-related contract amendment down the coast in Malibu.
After the Woolsey Fires, staff says in an agenda preview that “it became clear that there was insufficient air quality monitoring by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or any other public agency in the burn areas.”
Fearful of increased pollutants in the air, the district contracted Forensic Analytical Consulting Services to monitor air quality at all Malibu schools. Air and wipe sampling and limited soil assessment at MMHS will occur. The district requested a FACS extend their monitoring for two months.