Ocean Park Blvd.
Meeting on aiding the homeless
The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority is holding a community information session to discuss the current state of homelessness in Los Angeles County, LAHSA’s role, and how to get involved in your area. The session, which begins at 7 p.m., will take place Thursday, September 28, at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 1343 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica.
The session is geared toward families and individuals living in Service Planning Area (SPA) 5, which covers West Los Angeles, Venice, and Santa Monica.
For more information, please contact Sam Appel, sappel@lahsa.org.
The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority is a joint powers authority of the City and County of Los Angeles, created in 1993 to address the problems of homelessness in Los Angeles County.
LAHSA is the lead agency in the HUD-funded Los Angeles Continuum of Care, and coordinates and manages more than $243 million annually in federal, state, county and city funds for programs providing shelter, housing and services to homeless persons. For more information visit www.lahsa.org.
Submitted by Tom Waldman Director, Communications Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA