The Exposition Construction Authority announced that construction along Colorado Avenue for the future light rail line will continue through Mar. 31, 2014.
The construction takes place between Second and 17th streets and will include the removal and relocation of existing underground utilities at various points along the street.
Activities will include saw-cutting and removal of asphalt, excavation of soil, installation of new utilities, backfilling and asphalt restoration. Work during nights will be scheduled intermittently.
The construction won't affect the eastbound and westbound traffic lanes on Colorado Avenue, but it may restrict left turns throughout the work area. Various intersections will be closed during night hours and electronic message boards will be used to notify drivers to help detour traffic.
Various alleys off of Colorado Avenue will be restricted and traffic will be redirected to Broadway or Olympic Boulevard as needed. Impacted businesses will be notified directly.
Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced.
Work hours will be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday through Thursday. For more information, contact the city of Santa Monica Public Works Department at (310)458-8736.