OCEAN PARK — Police released limited information on a mass tire slashing that occurred in the Ocean Park neighborhood over the weekend.
A Santa Monica Police Department official said that "80 plus" tires were slashed. SMPD is currently without a Public Information Officer.
Steve Clark, who is vacationing with his family on Hollister Avenue, woke up Sunday morning to find that the tire on his rental car was flat. AAA workers and Police were still in the area, he said, and they told him that every car on the road had been vandalized. Clark claims that police told him that 78 tires had been slashed.
"Not a great way to start a holiday," Clark said.
AAA officials said they don't keep track of the number of tires they fix.
At least two cars were brought to American Tire Depot on Lincoln Boulevard to be fixed, according to a worker there.
SMPD officials were waiting on more information as of last check. The Daily Press will continue to update this story.