Editor’s Note: The Daily Press will cover the decisions in more detail in the coming days but the following is a summation of the Council’s meeting.
After a brief summer hiatus, City Council returned to business with a heavy agenda this week.
The City settled claims related to abuse at the Police Activities League for $54.9 million. The settlement resolves all claims and lawsuits brought by 61 individuals who allege that Uller sexually abused or attempted to sexually abuse them between the late 1980s and early 2000s when many were youth participating in the Police Activities League (“PAL”) program.
Pursuant to the settlement agreement, the City will pay $54.9 million into a qualified settlement fund, and the funds will be allocated to the 61 individuals as determined by a retired Superior Court Judge, whom plaintiffs’ counsel retained as a third-party neutral to perform this allocation.
Council authorized $100,000 to help the Santa Monica Black Lives Association establish itself as a new entity in town. Council’s vote includes a requirement that the Association report back to the city with information on the use of the one-time funds.
Council reconsidered a motion to ban items that can be converted into weapons during large protests. The original motion failed in April but a reconstituted Council voted to ban an extended list of items during protests including items such as poles, plastic pipes, or wooden sticks unattached to a sign, metal pipes, projectiles like rocks and pieces of concrete, glass bottles, aerosol sprays, slingshots or catapults, long chains, knives, martial arts weapons, tasers, containers with dangerous liquids, open flames, bricks, shields, baseball or softball bats, laser pointers, metal containers, gas masks or similar breathing devices, helmets, umbrellas bigger than a specified length, riot gear, protective equipment, flak jackets, stab/bullet resistant vests, and load bearing or similar “tactical vests.” The rule will expire in six months (on Feb. 28) but staff may return before that date with permanent proposals.
The City of Santa Monica is considering a vaccine mandate for staff and while such a mandate would come from the City Manager’s office, five of the seven members voiced support for the proposal. Councilwoman Negrete abstained and Councilman De la Torre opposed the proposal.
Council unanimously adopted new rules to prohibit dumping of commercial trash in City receptacles, dumping of liquid waste on public rights of way, on or onto the Pier or Beach, or into storm drains and the use of combustible fuels on or in close proximity to the Pier. The rules are designed to address public health and safety problems caused by illegal street vendors on or near the Pier.