Now open: It’s a new chapter for the Abbot Kinney Memorial Branch Library.
Friends of the Venice Library (FoVL) recently hosted hundreds of people who attended a grand re-opening of the library that included a Reptile show by Thor’s Reptile Family, attended by dozens of kids, parents, and other locals.
“Everyone got excited with the snakes, turtles, frogs, and lizards being shown,” said Linda Martinek, President of FoVL. The event also included a demonstration of ancient period swords and sword fighting by Game On Stunt Team and Tigertainment Talent. Finally, the jazz trio, The Swing Tones, left everyone in a feel-good mood.
There were also activities for the children and young adults including button making, designing a surfboard as a bookmark, and design.
The LAPL also contributed several giveaways and a raffle was held for gift cards donated by several local eateries - C&O Cucina, Alfred’s Coffee on Abbot Kinney and Baja Cantina. An Empanada Factory food truck was also on hand.
“Thanks again to all who participated and made this such a successful day,” said Martinek.
The Venice branch is a source for books, DVDS, Ukuleles, science kits and much more. Please see our website for more info on all the programs, such as Chess Club, Storytime, arts and crafts, two book clubs, yoga, Pilates and our latest addition; line dancing. To support these programs and more community events at the Venice Branch, join our Friends group at