Volunteer at COAST Open Streets, Sunday, September 15 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
They need volunteers to staff the information table and help with their kids activities on the Ocean Park Library lawn. It’s a great way to join in and give back to the community. Volunteers will work 3-hour shifts at the event. No experience necessary.
Volunteer at Coastal Cleanup Day, Saturday, September 21, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Join organizers for the biggest volunteer event to clean up the environment. Help staff their exhibit about the historic Bay Street Beach site, also known as “The Inkwell,” and educate the public about preservation. Volunteers will work 2-hour shifts at the event with historian Alison Rose Jefferson and Conservancy Board members.
Docent at the Preservation Resource Center
Two shifts of three hours per month. Open Wed, Fri-Sun from 12-3 p.m.
PRC Stephen Schafer shotgun house
Share your love of history and meet new people as a docent at the 1897 Shotgun House (2520 2nd St). Adapted into a modern Preservation Resource Center, they offer free tours each week and participate in community events like COAST on September 15. Docent trainings will take place on three Saturdays: 10/12, 10/26 and 11/2. Docents are paired up to volunteer two shifts of 3 hours per month.
Docent at the Annenberg Community Beach House
Two shifts of 3 hours per month. Open Fri-Mon from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Share the rich history and architecture of the Beach House (415 Pacific Coast Hwy), a former “Gold Coast” hot spot for celebrities. The Beach House offers free tours weekly and hosts annual Conservancy events like Happy Birthday, Marion! and Julia Morgan Legacy Day. Individualized training for the Beach House is on a rolling basis and will start this fall.
For more information contact the conservancy at www.smconservancy.org, rsvp@smconservancy.org or 310-496-3146.
Submitted by the Santa Monica Conservancy