When the Halloween sugar rush wears off, think ahead to Veterans Day and ask yourself, “How can I help my community?”
Here's one way.
On Saturday, Nov. 7 at 8 p.m., experience a reading of Shakespeare's immortal tale of an English king, a French princess and a brotherhood of warriors, brought to life not only by renowned actors, but also by local veterans.
As historic fiction, “Henry V” explores themes of power, patriotism, and loyalty through the lens of war. Hosted by the West Los Angeles Veterans Home Support Foundation, the reading will be directed by Charles Pasternak, artistic director of The Porters of Hells Gate, a local classical theatre company whose goal is to be the first in LA to perform Shakespeare's entire canon.
This one-time-only event will benefit residents of the California Veterans Home of Los Angeles. Performers include celebrity and non-celebrity actors, who are either veterans or actors known for their support or portrayal of veterans.
At 7 p.m., join the reception and mingle with veterans of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Ticket proceeds will benefit the residents of the Veterans Home.
Completed in September 2010, the newly built Veterans Home is a 396-bed, state-of-the-art long-term health care facility for California veterans, the largest in LA County. Last year, famed Hollywood photographer and original Darby's Ranger Phil Stern donated 100 of his iconic photos for permanent display on the walls of the home.
Tickets are $75, and the reading and reception take place on the VA Campus at the Veterans Home, located at 11500 Nimitz Ave. in West LA Veterans will be admitted at no charge with prior RSVP.
Details, directions and reservations are available at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/henry-v-reading-to-support-local-vets-tickets-18695074471?aff=es2. Parking is free!
One-acts by women
The fifth incarnation of GLO (Green Light One-Acts) in Los Angeles brings us five new plays written and directed by LA women, all staged at the Miles Memorial Playhouse here in Santa Monica.
Westside-based writers/producers/directors include Santa Monica's Alex Dilks Pandola, who wrote and produces “Vital Records;” Brentwood's Michelle Joyner (directing) and Karen Howes, playwright of “Gentleman's Pact;” Pacific Palisades resident Diane Grant (playwright "All About Harold"); and the Culver City trio of Katherine James (playwright "The Plan"), Branda Lock (director) and Eric Toms (actor).
Trapped in the never-ending hell that is the Department of “Vital Records,” Patricia encounters a trio of government employees who guide her along a path of self-discovery.
In “All About Harold,” no one knows where Harold is or why he left the women who loved him.
“Gentleman's Pact” takes a witty Albee-esque look at the power plays in a friendship and marriage when one man asks another for permission to marry his wife.
And two young girls mend broken promises and plan future dreams while waiting for the morning school bus in “The Plan.”
GLO was founded in 2003 by Green Light Productions and has produced GLOs in Philadelphia (2005) and New York City (2007 and 2008), and produced GLO2014 in November 2014 and Shorties in March 2015 in Santa Monica. Of note, Green Light produced the Philadelphia premiere of Neil LaBute's controversial “Fat Pig.”
Performances run Thursday-Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. from Nov. 5 through Nov.15 at the Miles Memorial Playhouse, 1130 Lincoln Blvd. Tickets are $15 to $20 and parking is free. For tickets, parking and other details visit http://www.greenlightproductions.org.
The year of musical mash-ups
CAC Studios, the masters of the musical mash-up, are presenting a one-year anniversary production of their hit “Thenardier's Inn - A Les Miserables Cabaret.”
A year ago, Nov. 7, CAC Studios opened its doors on Santa Monica's eastside with its first show, “Chicabarent,” a mash-up of “Chicago,” “Cabaret” and “Rent.” They followed up with “Thenardier's Inn,” and with numerous extensions, critical and audience raves, they went on to win Best of Cabaret at the 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival.
Here the classic story of Les Miserables is told from the point of view of the Master of the House, whose rundown Inn becomes the center of the action unfolding beyond his doors. Signature songs are sung, frustrated romance abounds and with revolution and a fight for justice in the air, it's a bawdy and entertaining evening.
This special anniversary production features $15 tickets, $5 drinks, and an after party with current and past cast members, all of whom are Broadway caliber singers and dancers. And it takes place at Three Clubs Cocktail Lounge, at 1123 N. Vine St. in Hollywood.
Book tickets here: http://www.cacstudios.com/lesmis/.
'Becoming Bulletproof'
Why do we rarely see actors with disabilities on the big screen? Producer Theodore James, whose “Wordplay” documentary about New York Times and NPR puzzlemaster Will Shortz was a popular and critical hit, teamed up with documentarian Michael Barnett to create “Becoming Bulletproof.”
The film follows a group of disabled adults in their quest to make a movie, in this case a Western; a first for Zeno Mountain Farm, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing actors, both with and without disabilities, together to make movies.
The cast features people with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other conditions, as they overcome unusual challenges, experience joys and sorrows, and give us insight into our own humanity as we cheer them on.
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis will introduce “Becoming Bulletproof” at a special screening on Nov. 12 at The Museum of Tolerance at 7:30 p.m. Although it's a private screening, you're invited to RSVP: http://www.superfilmsawards.tv/#!la-rsvp/c1z4v. The film also screens at Laemmle's Pasadena Playhouse through Nov. 15. http://www.laemmle.com/films/39730.
Photo: Charles Pasternak, artistic director