The City of Malibu will present a free screening of the animated hit movie “Frozen” (PG) on Saturday, September 14 at Malibu Bluffs Park (23825 Stuart Ranch Road). The movie begins at sunset, and pre-event activities start at 6 p.m.
Attendees can join a storytime with two surprise guests, create fake snow with instructors from Professor Egghead, participate in a cartooning demo with community class instructor Larry Scott, design a winter themed art piece with the Malibu Library or have their face painted by Fancy Pantz Facepainting. Delicious food and sweet treats will be available for purchase from Fette Schwein food truck and the Kona Ice truck.
Follow the Community Services Department on Facebook or Instagram and receive raffle tickets for a chance to win great prizes, including gift certificates and City of Malibu swag bags.
The City of Malibu’s CineMalibu series has presented free outdoor movie screenings for the community since 2005. No RSVPs or seat reservations are needed, seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendees may bring in outside food. No alcohol is allowed at Malibu Bluffs Park.
For more information, visit or call 310-317-1364.
Submitted by Matt Myerhoff, Malibu Public Information Officer