Step right up and join organizers for Samohi Theatre’s production of SIDE SHOW! Enter the 1920’s world of the traveling freak show and follow the story of the legendary conjoined twins Daisy and Violet Hilton in this engrossing showbiz saga. Join the Bearded Lady, Tattoo Girl, Dog Boy, Half-Man Half-Woman, Human Pin Cushion and more and “Come See the Freaks” in the opening number of SIDE SHOW. Be prepared to be entertained by this amazing musical accompanied by a full orchestra.
Says Director Kate Barraza, “Featuring soulful music, stunningly beautiful lyrics, and powerhouse show-stoppers, Side Show reminds us just how important it is to accept and celebrate that which makes us unique.”
Get your tickets now - Samohi Theatre is bringing the spectacle of the Broadway musical SIDE SHOW to Barnum Hall on March 3 at 5 p.m. and March 8 and 9 at 7 p.m. Elaborate costumes and make-up, fabulous song and dance numbers accompanied by a full orchestra, bring to life the saga of legendary conjoined twins as they move from sideshow attractions to Vaudeville to Hollywood. Reserved seating is now available for all performances at
For more information about “Side Show” contact Producer Joan Krenik at
Submitted by Gail Pinsker