Metro is reimagining its bus system for the next generation, and offers Malibu residents the chance to give their input on how the bus service can best serve the community with the NextGen Bus Study Survey. The online survey will be available at
“We have one bus line into and out of Malibu, and residents, students and employees in Malibu rely on it every day,” Mayor Rick Mullen said. “We have an opportunity here to make sure that the bus service works for our needs, so I encourage everyone to give their input and take the survey.”
Metro’s bus system has not been overhauled in 25 years. The goal of the NextGen Bus Study is to design a new bus system that is more relevant, reflective of, and attractive to the residents of the communities that Metro serves, including Malibu. Metro seeks the help of community members to make sure the redesigned system will improve service for current riders, attract new riders and win back past riders.
The entire study is expected to take approximately 18 months, with improved bus service going into effect in fall of 2019.
For more information, visit To take the survey, visit
Submitted by Matt Myerhoff, Malibu Media Information Officer