On Wednesday, September 27, from 5 to 6:30 p.m., the City of Santa Monica and Community Corporation of Santa Monica will present the free annual Virginia Avenue Park Open House and Resource Fair. Participants are invited to connect with a wide array of local services providers, many of whom offer free programs at Virginia Avenue Park. Learn about their offerings including senior services, financial services, mental health services, music education, hospitality employment training and other services. In addition, a number of city departments will be sharing important information and resources.
Agencies include:
Department of Mental Health, United Mental Health Promoters
Family Service of Santa Monica
Haven Neighborhood Services
Hospitality Training Academy
Office of Sustainability & the Environment
NAMI Westside Los Angeles
Resource, Recovery, & Recycling Division
Santa Monica College
Santa Monica Fire Department
Santa Monica Police Department
Santa Monica Youth Orchestra
SMC Emeritus
Providence St. John’s
Venice Family Clinic
and many more.
For a complete list of agencies visit https://www.santamonica.gov/events/4knt26j369tbgy8263w7cfcwme/202309271730.
Free hot pretzels and lemonade will be available while supplies last. For more information visit santamonica.gov or call 310-458-8688.
Submitted by Tati Simonian, Acting Public Information Officer