For the month of April, the Committee For Racial Justice (CRJ) will be returning to a zoom-only workshop on Sunday evening, 4/7. Continuing with the theme of follow up on the Black Apology: 2024, the Year of Action, this workshop is entitled "Revisiting Reparations — Local & Statewide."
They are doing it by zoom so that they can show several videos more easily as they present a brief recap of the need for reparations and updates on bills related to reparations that are pending in the California state legislature, in addition to looking at what’s happening with the local Silas White case of the theft by the city, through eminent domain, of his vision of an Ebony Beach Club in Santa Monica in the 1950’s.
The state commission on reparations has completed their document of recommendations, some of which have led to a number of bills that will be trying to work their way through the state legislature this year and we want to start mapping out a campaign to prioritize which ones to push for action by our elected officials. Also, the California Legislative Black Caucus has released a 2024 Reparation Legislative Package.
Click on this link here to receive the link for Sunday evening’s zoom CRJ workshop which starts at 6:30pm. The May 5th workshop will return to hybrid, with opportunities to meet in person at Virginia Ave. Park For more information, call 310-422-5431.
Submitted by Joanne Berlin