The City of Santa Monica Housing Commission invites the Santa Monica Community to its next two meetings:
1) The regular monthly meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, 2015
2) A special meeting from 10:30 to 1:30 on Saturday, September 26, 2015.
Both meetings will be held in the Multipurpose Room of the Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Boulevard, Santa Monica, California 90401. The Housing Commission, a seven-member board that advises the Santa Monica City Council on affordable housing issues, is inviting the public to share their experiences with and views on affordable housing in Santa Monica, information that will be incorporated into a comprehensive Housing Commission report on the funding efficacy for new development and preservation of the current affordable housing stock in the City. This report will be submitted to the City Council in December 2015.
The meeting place is wheelchair-accessible. If you require any special disability related accommodations (i.e. sign language interpreting, access to an amplified sound system, etc.), please contact the Housing Division at (310) 458-8702 at least three days prior to the scheduled meeting. An audio recording of the discussion will be made available on the City of Santa Monica's video and audio meeting archives at and on the Santa Monica Housing Division's webpage at
For more information, contact the City of Santa Monica Housing Division at (310) 458-8702 or visit