Editor: Dear Mr. Bill Bauer, Please keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight against petty bureaucrats...
Read moreEditor: I suppose that Santa Monica High School's principal and athletic director still haven't given fired head baseball coach Sheldon...
Read moreEditor: This letter is to clarify some of the issues surrounding the concept of gay marriage in hopes that people...
Read moreEditor: Columnist Bill Bauer is on target with his My Write column "Intrigue and shenanigans on the local political front,"...
Read moreEditor: Can anyone tell me why the city of Santa Monica would choose to do construction on both 20th Street...
Read moreEditor: I think it's OK that the Daily Press printed the Family Research Council's column ("Argument against gay marriage is...
Read moreEditor: We totally agree with the letter from Tony Blain concerning the closure of our iconic main post office ("Not...
Read moreEditor: One hour ago (0320 hours) while I am watering some trees, I spy four coyotes (probably juveniles) gathering around...
Read moreEditor: Can you give this information to the community? There are 10, nine-hour parking spaces on the north side of...
Read moreEditor: Dear Ms. Diana Alvarado (U.S. Postal Service), This letter is sent to inform you and other U.S. Postal Service...
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