Evan Meyer welcomes Councilwoman Gleam Davis for a chat.
Interested in any of the civic topics below? Please tune in to Meyerside Chats on the Santa Monica Daily Press dailypress: https://www.smdp.com/meyerside-chat-gleam-davis/213508
Summary of the convo:
- Distrust in Santa Monica Politics and how to begin to solve it.
- Improving systems of community feedback
-Distrust and the beliefs of corruption - -"What's in it for me vs what's in it for the community" attitude.
- Day to day experience of a policy is hard to reconcile with long term strategy around the policy.
- Santa Monica in comparison to other cities (e.g. Beverly Hills)
-Homelessness and Housing
- Interoperability of public systems of different municipalities
- Making alternative transportation more convenient and the "economic calculus" of mode choice.
- Policy, weighing difficult choices, and an easily digestible transparency of rationale.
- Getting off the "one right answer" to policy mentality - "Name calling" needs to stop.
- Let's make Santa Monica a model for the way democratic processes can work
- "The most fundamental consensus we have is that we all care.
- 90% of SM council votes are actually unanimous.
Thank you Gleam Davis for your service, your commitment to Santa Monica, and for sharing this time with me.