Pico Blvd.
The Santa Monica College (SMC) Dance Department continues its Spring 2017 Masters of Dance series – an eclectic series of master classes and lectures – with a talk by Jennifer Fisher and a master class led by Marlita Hill.
All dance master classes are free and open to the public as observers or participants. The master classes are held on the SMC main campus, 1900 Pico Blvd. Seating is limited and on a first-arrival basis.
March 29 (12:30 p.m., CPC 308): Jennifer Fisher: Sex, Love, and Ballet – Lecture.” UC Irvine professor Jennifer Fisher – a former dancer, actor, and journalist who has appeared with the Kirov Ballet and alongside Mikhail Baryshnikov – will talk about how ballet couples have changed over the years and discuss the question: Since dance reflects the culture it develops in, what do ballet’s dancing couples tell us about relationships and the contexts in which they occur?
The Masters of Dance series is sponsored by the SMC Associates (www.smc.edu/associates) – a private organization that funds speakers and special programs on the Santa Monica College campus – and the SMC Dance Department.
For information, go to www.smc.edu/dance or call (310) 434-4100 or (310) 434-3467.
- Submitted by Grace Smith, SMC Public Information Officer