Two upcoming shows at the planetarium in Drescher Hall on Oct. 23 are sure to wow. "Dawn Explores the Asteroid Belt" will teach you more about the mission of the Dawn spacecraft, the first probe to orbit two large main belt asteroids - Vesta and Ceres - and what we are learning about them; and a special observing event, "11-Day-Old Moon, a Coathanger, and a Pretty Double Star" will give you a look through the eyepiece at the 11-day-old moon and its prominent features, check out Brocchi's Cluster - The Coathanger - and catch a glimpse of the multicolored double star Albireo and other fascinating wonders in the sky.
The feature shows are at 8 p.m. and are preceded by "The Night Sky Show" at 7 p.m., which offers the latest news in astronomy and space exploration, a family-friendly "tour" of the constellations, and the chance to ask astronomy-related questions. The John Drescher Planetarium is located on the second floor of Drescher Hall (1900 Pico Blvd.). Tickets are available at the door and cost $11 ($9 seniors and children) for the evening's scheduled "double bill," or $6 ($5 seniors age 60+ and children age 12 and under) for a single show, guest lecture, or telescope-viewing session.
- Submitted by Grace Smith