Crime Watch is a weekly series culled from reports provided by the Santa Monica Police Department. These are arrests only. All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Sunday, March 23, at 6:15 p.m.,
Santa Monica Police officers responded to the Santa Monica Pier — Mariasol Restaurant — regarding a report of a customer who refused to pay for a meal. When officers arrived they spoke with an employee at the Mexican restaurant who said that a man went to the bar and ran up a $111 tab. When presented with the bill the man grew agitated and allegedly refused to pay. When officers spoke with the man they determined he was drunk. They searched him and realized he did not have any cash or credit cards. He was placed under arrest for defrauding an innkeeper. He was identified as Andres Escobar, 33, of Echo Park, Calif. His bail was set at $500.
Sunday, March 23, at 11:30 p.m.,
Officers were driving in a marked police cruiser westbound along the 2300 block of Idaho Avenue when they saw a man riding his bike in an alley without a light. Officers stopped him to issue him a ticket for the violation. While questioning him, the officers asked whether he had anything illegal on him. He allegedly admitted to having some pot. Officers searched a bag and found pot in several different baggies as well as a digital scale. The suspect was arrested for possession of marijuana with the intent to sell. He was identified as Stephen Michael Hughes, 52, of Walnut, Calif. His bail was set at $20,000.
Sunday, March 23, at 5:30 p.m.,
Officers received a report of someone disturbing a business located along the 3100 block of Main Street — Espresso Cielo. When officers arrived they found a man slumped over in a chair. The man almost fell when he stood up to provide police his ID. Officers said the man smelled of alcohol. He allegedly admitted to drinking booze all day. He was placed under arrest for being drunk in public. He was identified as Jimmy Charlie Musechuk, 33, of Mission Hills, Calif. His bail was set at $250.
Friday, March 21, at 11 p.m.,
Officers received a report of an assault with a deadly weapon at the 7-Eleven located at 1865 Lincoln Blvd. A guy matching the description of the suspect was detained a block away by responding officers. The alleged victim told officers that the suspect approached him as he stood in the parking lot with his shopping cart full of prized possessions. He tried to ignore the suspect, who allegedly cursed at him and harassed him. The suspect then took a walking stick out of the shopping cart and struck the alleged victim several times before hitting a parked car. He then fled from the parking lot with the stick. The suspect was positively identified by the alleged victim and witnesses. He was placed under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon, felony vandalism and petty theft. He was identified as Anthony Andrew Elby, 32, a transient. His bail was set at $30,000
Saturday, March 22, at 10:30 p.m.,
Officers responded to a report of a burglary at a home located along the 1100 block of San Vicente Boulevard. The homeowners told police they had hired two men, who were recommended by a friend, to help them move. The two helped out for a few days and stayed in a guest house during that time. On that Saturday at around 10 a.m., one of the alleged victims noticed one of the workers leaving the home with a backpack. Suspicious, she checked her jewelry and noticed that six boxes containing jewelry were missing. She called one of the suspects on the phone and asked them to return to the house. Only one of the workers returned. He allegedly told the homeowners to offer a cash reward if they wanted their stuff back. Police arrested the suspect for grand theft. The estimated value of the loss was just over $200,000. The suspect was identified as Ahmed Mousa Alfayyomy, 34, of Santa Monica. His bail was set at $45,000. No word on the other suspects or if the jewelry was recovered.
Friday, March 21, at 2 p.m.,
Officers responded to the 2500 block of 28th Street regarding a report of suspicious activity. When they arrived they spoke to the person who called the cops. She told police that her estranged husband called her on her call phone asking where she was and then showed up at her door unannounced. The woman did not want to meet her husband and was very fearful because he had allegedly been violent with her in the past. Officers found the husband nearby. He consented to a search. Officers found what they believed to be cocaine hidden in one of his socks. The man told officers that he found the baggy and didn't know what was inside. He was placed under arrest for possession of a controlled substance. He was identified as James Frederick Scally, 27, of San Jose, Calif. His bail was set at $10,000.
Thursday, March 20, at 2 p.m.,
Officers in a marked car were parked along the 1500 block of Fifth Street where they had received numerous complaints about drug activity. They saw a woman walking north on Fifth Street into a parking lot behind a local business. She went up to a car with two people inside and put something in the driver's hand. Officers rolled up and detained all three. The driver allegedly admitted to having drugs in his hands. He handed officers two baggies with some kind of white powder inside. The woman was placed under arrest for possession of drugs for sale. The driver was busted for possession. The third suspect was released. Officers identified the two arrested as Daunielle Antoinet Coleman, 25, a transient (her bail was set at $30,000), and Andre Dion Moore, 31, of Sun Valley, Calif. (his bail was set at $10,000).