COLORADO AVE — The contractor building the Exposition Light Rail Line will be closing 17th Street at Colorado Avenue for at least 11 days to install rails in the street, officials with Metro said.
The closure will begin Saturday, March 22 at 1 a.m. Westbound Colorado Avenue will remain open.
Crews will be working around the clock to complete the installation by April 2.
Traffic impacts:
• Northbound 17th Street will be closed to through traffic at Colorado Avenue and will be detoured at Olympic Boulevard. Left and right turns onto Colorado Avenue will be prohibited.
• Southbound 17th Street will be closed to through traffic at Colorado and will be detoured at Santa Monica Boulevard. Right turns onto Colorado will be allowed, but left turns will be prohibited.
• Eastbound Colorado will be closed at 17th Street and traffic will be detoured to southbound 17th Street.
• Pedestrians crossing Colorado Avenue north of the closure will be detoured to 14th Street or 19th Street. Pedestrians south of the closure will be directed to westbound Colorado Avenue to 14th Street.
• Local access in the closure areas will be maintained at all times.
• Electronic message boards, directional signage and flaggers will be used to direct vehicles and pedestrians around the construction zone. Please refer to detour map and follow detour signs for alternate routes.
• Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced at all times and signage with specific restrictions will be in place in all construction areas.
• Noise levels will be monitored to ensure compliance and the work area will be watered down to minimize dust.
• Please obey all posted construction signs and do not enter the construction work zone.
For additional information, contact the Santa Monica Public Works Department at (310) 458-8736.
— Kevin Herrera